Supercharge your Investment Team with AI

Faster, better insights by integrating data sources through AI

AIx2 combines your data room, web-information, and third party databases to turn unstructured data into the reports you need in minutes. Our AI enables your team to be 80% faster and draw on superior, more complete insights to beat the competition.

Use Cases

What used to take weeks now takes hours. Use our AI to turn massive data rooms into reports in record time.

No more all-nighters to finish DD reports.

Make offers before others can discover the asset. Never lose a deal to competitors again.

Due diligence report generation

Ask our AI to find answers to all of your due diligence questions in an instant. Just define a set of DD questions and run them against multiple data rooms. Augment private with public data from the web with one click.

No more Excel copy-paste. No more hunting down missing data from PortCos or GPs one by one.

PortCo / GP monitoring

Get immediate answers to your burning market research questions from our AI. Instantly generate market trend reports from public and private data.

No more waiting for deliverables from remote assistants in other timezones.

Market trend analysis

Use our AI to cast non-standard KPO reports from PortCos or GPs into the format you need and immediately identify all missing information.

No more hours spent reading through old deal rooms to answer questions by LPs and compliance stakeholders.

LP queries and reporting

Find answers to investor queries in arbitrarily large data rooms in seconds. Improve your LP-relationship with fast and standardized responses to LP-queries.

Security and Compliance

Do not risk having AI trained on proprietary data or risk legal exposure during audits. Work with our solution that is compliant and secure.

  • No training of fund data on publicly accessible LLMs.

  • 17a-4 archival to meet SEC compliance and regulations.

  • Granular file access control by users to prevent internal or external data breaches.

  • Strong security and privacy safeguards to prevent hacks and attacks.

Contact us for a Case Study

The case study walks through an exemplary use case of our platform, lists features, and shows how it can achieve 80% time savings vs manual work.

Work with the Thought Leaders in AI for Funds

As a thought leader in the industry, we actively share insights from our work and research to improve AI for funds. To that end, we are invited to speak at major conferences, e.g. SuperReturn International, meet and consult key stakeholders, e.g. AIMA, and publish insights in industry media, e.g. Forbes. See below for a selection of talks and articles as well as our whitepaper.

Whitepaper: Our whitepaper outlines how funds can win by building and drawing on AI platforms.

Built by Industry and AI Experts

We experienced the challenges of due diligence without AI first hand. We were reading through 500-document deal rooms. We were copy-pasting the same data from PortCo reports into Excel tables. We were up at 2am synthesizing market data from online searches. We experienced deals falling through because running due diligence on an asset took too long. And we know there is a better way.

Based on our team's research at Stanford, our experience managing AI transformation at major PE funds at McKinsey, and our product development experience at Google, Microsoft, and Goldman Sachs we have built a tool to help you give your investment team superpowers.

We don’t just leave you with a new software and let you face the complexities of AI adoption in your organization alone. Our team has taught and built award-winning lecture series at Stanford, INSEAD, and Columbia Business School. Our teaching experience in the classroom, together with teaching and working with fund executives, enables us to support you with training and strategy and be with you at every step of your AI journey.

Let’s Work Together

Let our team of experts help you understand what AI transformation means for your fund or fund of funds, where to start, and how to manage it effectively. We are excited to be your thought and AI transformation partner.